Many Verdigris customers have multiple buildings in their account; consequently, they have users who should have access to the data for some buildings but not other buildings. Verdigris provides an administrator interface, the Admin Console, to enable you to manage the access permissions of individual users based on their role in your organization.Β
You can manage your users by looking for the "Admin Console" in the app menu, or by navigating directly to
The current roles supported are Account Owner, Building Admin, and Building User.
βAccount Owner: Account owners are the primary administrator(s) for site wide access to data and users. Account owners can create and modify user profiles (including passwords) for any user at any building in the account, and can manage which buildings each individual user can access. Account Owners can create their own API keys using their Admin Console login. See below table for API endpoints accessible by Account Owners.
Building Admin: Building Admins are the administrators for any building of which they are a member. They are able to modify profiles and add or remove access for users only in the buildings they administer. Building Admins can create their own API keys using their Admin Console login. See below table for API endpoints accessible by Building Admins.
Building User: Building Users can access information related to the buildings for which they've been given access, but are not able to modify anything outside of their own user preferences. Building Users cannot create an API key themselves and must request one from Building Admins or Account Owners. See below table for API endpoints accessible by Building Users.
Once a user is created, they will receive an email from our system with their login credentials, password reset link, and other relevant links.
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